
When Should a Tooth Be Pulled?

At Eugene Family Dental in Eugene, OR, we do everything in our power to protect and restore your natural teeth. Sadly, certain circumstances sometimes exist which necessitate the extraction of teeth. When it’s impossible to save a tooth, we’re proud to offer extractions without pain and without fear.

In today’s post of our dental health blog, we’re going to discuss some aspects of having a tooth pulled (extracted). We’ll discuss the circumstances under which it becomes necessary to extract a tooth for your overall oral health. We’ll also look at what you can expect during your extraction appointment, and provide some tips to help you heal quickly.

Although removing a tooth is always a last resort, there are some situations in which it becomes unavoidable. Most commonly, teeth can become decayed or damaged beyond the point of repair to an accident or neglect. If you have an infection in a tooth, we may have to remove it to prevent the infection from spreading. If you have a small jawbone, you’re mouth may actually be too crowded for all of your natural teeth. We may recommend removing a tooth to relieve the crowding.

When it comes to damaged teeth, our first impulse is to attempt to repair the tooth. We can often use tooth-colored fillings, dental bonding, and dental crowns to restore a damaged or decayed tooth. However, if your tooth is severely fractured or damaged below your gumline, the tooth may need to be removed. Trauma to your teeth can sometimes result into a tooth breaking into multiple parts, in these cases it may be best to remove the tooth.

Your tooth can also become infected. If the infection is in your dental pulp (the soft inner material of your tooth) we will likely recommend a root canal to save the tooth. But if the infection is in the surrounding soft tissue of your gums, it may be necessary to remove the tooth to prevent the infection from spreading. This action helps us ensure the health of your gums and neighboring teeth.

Crowded teeth can lead to problems with your overall oral health. Crowded teeth can affect your bite, or simply cause discomfort in your jaw. If you have severely crowded teeth, we may recommend having a tooth extracted before undergoing an orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign.

When it comes to have a tooth removed, the process is easy and quick. We’ll make sure you are comfortable and can offer sedation dentistry services. Sedation dentistry is a great tool if you are nervous or anxious about the procedure. We also offer a range of other comfort options in our office. Once you’re relaxed, we will numb your mouth using a local anesthetic. This quick injection ensures you won’t feel anything while your tooth is being removed. Then we remove the tooth.

After your tooth has been extracted, we will provide you with detailed information about your aftercare. A soft blood clot will form in your tooth socket, that’s how you know your tooth is healing. You’ll want to take care to disrupting the blood clot, or else you could end up with a painful dry socket.

Following your procedure, we may prescribe painkillers for you to take. While you’re mouth is healing, you should avoid drinking out of a straw and leave any gauze in your mouth in place (for about three to four hours). You also need to avoid smoking while you’re healing, and eat a softer diet. When you brush your teeth, take care to avoid the socket.

If you follow these instructions (which will be provided in written form following your procedure) your extraction will be a pain-free process. It may take a couple of weeks for your mouth to fully heal, but recovery is simple and easy.

Make An Appointment

Do you suspect that you may need to have a tooth removed? If your teeth are crowded, or you have a damaged tooth, call us at Eugene Family Dental in Eugene, OR. We will evaluate your oral health and let you know what your options are. Call us at 541-719-8260.

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